Hi! I'm glad you're here! Being a new face to so many people as well as keeping my personal life so private on social media, I feel like it's important to share not only how this journey started, but the significance of it and what about it sets me apart.
Being that there are a myriad of tarot readers and teas to choose from, I get that it can feel super mundane and very "run of the mill" concept. How can this be any different? As simple as it is, its also kind of complex - at least it was for me at first.
Fortune Telling vs. Soul Tarot
Both my tea and tarot practice is completely channeled. The experience can vary client to client, but generally speaking, it's the same.
I have spent an extensive amount of time learning tarot; 10 years and counting to be specific.
I've learned the "standard" way of reading, which is more on the "fortune telling" side of things. The problem I ran into with this standard way of reading was that not only was it not inclusive to everyone, but it also focused on such worldly things - fleeting things, false security, bandaids to problems, new things to obsess over. Instead of numerous ways to hyper fixate on how to control an issue or concern, I wanted to find the solution. Instead of focusing on the distractions of life, I wanted to focus on the bigger picture.
I wanted to find the true problem, identify the deeper issue, and then make sense of it.
They now have more evidence that we're living in a simulation than there is that we're not. This means there's a program running this whole thing. You know what every program has? A code.
So if this is a simulation, running on a program, and the program has a code - that means we as humans all have the same human experiences, with the same feelings, and the same opportunities to grow through these experiences. Now, not that everyones specific struggle is the same. But each of us have got to know the same feelings of heartbreak, deep confusion, painful contraction, and celebrated expansion. We've all had to get creative and learn how to master tools and skills to get us to our next level. We've all struggled, felt abandoned, have been used by or have used others.
At our core, we are all fighting the same battles in varying shades of colors, shapes, and flavors.
We're all valid. We're all capable. We're all meant to do more than hustle through the daily grind and fear deep connections both with others, but also with ourselves.
This is why I studied so extensively under a teacher who taught me Soul Tarot.
Within Soul Tarot there is validation and confirmation. There is identification of expansions and contractions. Theres also major calls to action and upfront confrontation.
It's not about predicting the tall, dark, handsome stranger you'll meet next October on a balcony in Paris.
It's about why you've been resisting a sturdy and stable love in the first place or why you're so focused on finding this love and stability outside of yourself - it digs deeper into the actual process of overcoming the blocks, realizing how and why you are where you are, but also empowers you to see things from a bigger perspective and take charge of your life.
It's all inclusive.
It's gentle and nurturing, but firm.
It's for real and impactful change.
It's to make sense of seemingly impossible hardships and struggles.
Tea Blends Channeled with Intent
Each of my tea blends have been channeled with intent. To get a better understanding, I'll tell you a short story.
I knew a few years ago that my friends and family really enjoyed my tea. I met plenty of people who claimed to not like tea until I gently slid them my cup from across the table - those brave enough to drink after a mere acquaintance were pleasantly surprised that they did, in fact, like tea.
So basically, I bought a bunch of herbs. I researched the ones I was drawn to making sure they were consumable and what they were useful for. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them other than that they'd eventually be made into tea blends. No specifics though.
Early one morning while sitting at my Ancestor altar, I got this visual download of all of these names. I ran over to my computer and started trying to get them all down as fast as I could.
The Witch.
The Ancestor.
The Hunter.
The Lover.
Sit for a Spell.
Pure Magick.
Carpe Diem.
Rise Up.
They were tea blends! The visual imprint of their names were so specific. I got the design drawn up that day and then.. what now?
A few weeks later, again, sitting at my Ancestor altar... I was told it was time to make some tea blends. So I picked one of the names and started intuitively picking the ingredients. Before I knew it, 6 of the 7 blends were made, each having a very distinct feel to them.
Shortly after that, I was being pulled to gather ingredients for the last tea on the list - The Ancestor. I sat down and started writing the list. Some of these ingredients I didn't like so I attempted to resist them entirely. It wasn't a negotiation at this point so I went ahead and purchased what was needed and began the process of letting my ancestors guide me to make, well, The Ancestor. The tea I was resisting the most ended up being my best seller - I have sold out every year before it even goes on sale publicly! I have a growing number of people every year reach out starting around August to ask when it will be available. I've restocked these ingredients so many times, buying more and more each time. Each time still selling out before I could offer it publicly. It's everything you love about fall - the excitement of wearing your warm sweaters and new boots, the first crunch of the fall leaves, the warm embrace that only a loving grandmother can give.
These teas aren't just teas, they're experiences; they are tools and they help tell stories.
When planning the release of these other tea blends, I noticed that they each went with a season. For instance, Carpe Diem is a perfect transition from Sagittarius Season into Capricorn Season - the perfect gentle push to get you from seeing your dreams to making them into tangible goals. Rise Up is an empowering blend to push you through to acting on your higher purpose, no matter how big or small the act you're working on is in your grander scheme - it's my fave in the dark days of January. The Lover helps you on that journey of not taking yourself so seriously, of loving yourself more wholly, and of prioritizing yourself and to disrupt those cycles of sabotage and abandonment we inflict upon ourselves. The Hunter enables you to see the smaller and finer details in situations that you've been overlooking. Pure Magick is the celebration of warmth and life - it reminds me of the playfulness of the Fae. Sit for a Spell is for bringing you back to the present moment, but with love in your eyes and without fear in your mind, allowing yourself some space to just be with what is and see the often hidden beauty of what is.
In Conclusion...
I don't just sell tarot readings and my tea isn't just tea.
I don't take on clients that want instant gratification from any outside source available (like tarot) without them being willing to reflect, look within, and do a deeper dive to actually fix their underlying issues. Obsessing over a situation won't get you far; being solution driven, open minded, willing, and honest about our part in every situation to figure out a new path through though - I'm here for that.
Want a reading? Let me know!
Tried my tea? Let me know how it made you feel!
Want to try my tea? Its available in my shop!