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Quartzite stabilizes positive changes by anchoring them in the fabric of your physical and subtle bodies.

It helps prevent you from slipping back to your old state after you undergo any uplifting change, such as a healing or spiritual experience. Quartzite helps the body establish a new state of balance that includes the beneficial change. When you are experiencing rapid changes, Quartzite also helps you maintain your perspective and overall balance by regulating your rate of change.

As many healers and shamans have reported, we can use pearls as we would crystals. As spiritual tools, pearls can are calming and centering, and can nurture our faith, loyalty, integrity, and purity. They also help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and men with their feminine attributes. No matter our genders, pearls can help us reach equilibrium with a vital, balanced, feminine energy.

Perhaps most importantly, pearls embody specific frequencies and energy vibrations that can re-balance deficiencies in the human body and spirit. Just like all gemstones, pearls can be used to heal our bodies and create balance in our lives.

Peach Quartz can help one to transcend the mundane aspects of life, to open yourself to the Divine, and to discover your true intent that is for the highest good. Using Peach Quartz also helps to promote an understanding of how to connect one’s dreams to their reality, therefore they are very useful for helping you to set and achieve goals.

In meditation, Peach Quartz is wonderful for releasing energy blockages within the Sacral and Higher Heart Chakras. The clearing of these blockages can help one to recover self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability. Carrying a piece of Peach Quartz which you have charged/enchanted for the purpose will also help to sustain the period afterwards of which these chakras will remain in better function.

Peach Quartz can support those who work in public service by keeping their focus on the needs of others. Wearing a Peach Quartz can do wonders, gently grounding you whilst encouraging your personal power and keeping your emotions in check.

Working with Peach Quartz can help regulate and balance your sex-drive and encourage you to focus on your partner during sexual intimacy. It will raise your self-esteem and that alone can help many people’s sex life. Carry Peach Quartz with you when you find it difficult to express yourself emotionally or when you feel that you are lacking in personal power.

As Peach Quartz has a very high numerical vibration, it is a wonderful stone to do magick with. If you are a Tarot reader, or do any kind of divination, keep a Peach Quartz near you as it heightens your psychic powers.

Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, and Heart

The Evil Eye is a talisman to ward off the actual evil eye. When someone throws shade or tries to limit you with their own beliefs of your capability, this talisman sends that energy right back to the sender.

Genuine Pink Quartzite +Lavender Pearl + Peach Luster Quartz

Evil Eye is glass

Wand measures 5 inches in length

Peach Luster Quartz + Lavender Pearl + Pink Quartzite + Evil Eye Smoking Clip

Only 1 left in stock
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